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Alex Moore

Hidden Helix and Sky Lights


So that the producers have the maximum information about you, who are you?

I am a filmmaker. I have written and directed multiple short films and edited some of them.


How many years have you been making movies?

I have been making movies for seven years now.


What was your first experience making movies? Did you study at a film school or did you learn on your own?

My first experience in making movies was a short film in 2016. I did not study at any film schools.


What budget did you have for your two projects? Hidden Helix and Sky Lights.

I had no budget for either project.


Are they self-funded?



Any anecdote that you can tell us about the filming?

Sky Lights had a last minute re-casting for ‘Steph’.


If you had unlimited budget. Which actor and actress would you like to work with?

Leonardo DiCaprio and Helena Bonham Carter.


Your favorite movie?

‘Jurassic Park’.


Tell us 3 filmmakers that you like.

Steven Spielberg, Christopher Nolan and Jordan Peele.


What is the scene that has impacted you the most?

The scene that has impacted me the most from Jurassic Park is the T-Rex attack scene.


If you could do a remake of a movie, what would it be?

‘The Towering Inferno’.


Now tell us about your Hidden Helix project. We see that everything is shot in an interior. Why did you choose to do it all indoors?

To keep it in a grounded and constricted feeling.


Did you have light designs or did you shoot with the same light as the location?

We had some lighting equipment.


When shooting indoors, it is sometimes difficult to be able to make certain shots or frames that were planned. Did you have any problems when shooting?

We had to work a lot around a large mirror in the room to avoid reflection


And in terms of sound? Neighbors, flushing, cars?

No we didn’t have any issues.


Now tell us about Sky Lights. How long did it take you to make it from the initial idea?

From the initital idea to the completion of the film it was about four months.


Apart from directing and writing, did you do anything else?

I also produced it.


How was working with Sonia? How was the producer-director relationship?

Very supportive and her input was very helpful and beneficial to the film.


And working with actors? Tell us about this process, how do you work with the actors?

I loved working with my actors. I ensured they had enough time to develop their character and encouraged their input into the process.

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